Saturday 13 June 2015

Some basics in Buddhism

This page will tell you about some basic stands of Buddhism.
1. Attack on caste system: Buddhism states that the worth of a person is measured by his actions and not by his birth. This clearly means that even if a person is born in lower considered caste, or in a higher considered caste, both of them have equal value to begin with and their worth after that is decided by their actions.
Also, this can be applied in another way. It can also mean that the child of a criminal father/mother and the child of the most disciplined person, both of them have equal value as value of a person is not measured by virtue of birth, but by action(in this case, virtue of birth is signified by action of parents).
It can also be applied in the case of gender. The value of both boy and girl are the same and no one is more deserving than other as worth delends not on coincidence of birth, but on actions.

2. Concept of God: Buddhist concept of God is pretty clear. It does not care aboit this question at all. It says that the role of religion is not to find the truth of God and universe. That duty belongs to science. But, rather it teaches the person how to lead a better life.

3. Concept of soul: The concept of soul in buddhism is different from that of others. It does not believe that soul is permanent, never changing and it uses body just as a medium. Rather, it says that soul is nothing more than mental energy inside a person and this energy changes with every moment that a person lives and soul does not leaves the body when the person dies, but, rather the soul dies with the person.

4. No good comes from performing sacrifives and rituals, the only thing we get by this is more sufferings. The cause of all of our sufferings is hidden in our desires. And how can we end our sufferings? then, we can do this by following the eightfold noble path, which will be explained in the next post.